"According to W3Cook, Linux powers the servers that run 96.5 percent of the top one million domains in the world"

"On Amazon EC2, standard Linux (along with its various distros) controls 92 percent of the market. It boasts more than 350,000 individual instances. Again, Windows is responsible for the other eight percent."

"Microsoft has allowed Linux to be installed on its Azure cloud service since 2012"

"Android is comfortably the most popular mobile operating system in the world. As of March 2018, both NetMarketShare and StatCounter agree that it controls around 70 percent of the combined smartphone and tablet market. Second is iOS with approximately 24 percent. Windows is a distant third with less than one percent."

"Supercomputers: Linux utterly dominates the list of the top 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world. In June 2017, 498 of the top 500 were running Linux. The only two non-Linux machines were running the Unix-based AIX."

"Linux isn’t just common on laptops, mobiles, and servers. You can find it in consumer products as diverse as Amazon Kindle e-readers, smart TVs, Nest thermostats, drones, and Tesla cars.

Governments have also been adopting the OS in record numbers. The French National Gendarmerie uses its own internal distro, as does the Russian military, and the Spanish education state education system. It even forms the basis of the North Korean state-run operating system, Red Star OS.

It’s also the operating system of choice for the Hollywood movie industry. 1997’s Titanic was the first blockbuster produced on Linux; today, almost every box office hit uses the technology.

And, perhaps most incredibly, Linux has powered space missions. SpaceX uses it for the Falcon 9 rockets."

If you plan to buy a computer, and the shop just proposes Windows-preinstalled computers, run away ! Those are abusers !

Brent Frère

Private e-mail:  Brent@BFrere.net

Postal address: 58, rue d'Esch
                L-3720 Rumelange
                Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
                European Union

Phone: +352-20.333.222-69
Fax:   +352-20.333.222-19
URL:    http://BFrere.net