The price of those devices is a shame (all smartphones, not only this one).
I've been asked by a customer to find a good deal for 10 Sony Xperia Z at the very launch moment.
I met various "dealers", "brokers", ... at Ce-Bit and other places, working on mobile/tablet/... products. This is obviously a Mafia.
Prices varies from countries to countries (EU is a country as a whole but Italy is a special case as 10% of the delivered material is "lost" somewhere before being received, so the prices to Italian resellers are higher) and depending on the amount (nobody there discuss below 10.000 units).

The price of the Sony Xperia Z was announced to the public as between 650 and 750 ¤ at that time.
Contacting Sony directly as a company, I didn't managed to have a cent of discount.

But I managed to find a reseller that sold me such a device (authentic) at 256 ¤ Excl. VAT (without any kind of recurring fee, subscription or whatever, and just one unit without any hope on potential future sales), with bill, guarantee and so on.

"Smartphones" is the new kind of drug of modern times. People is addicted (most people change of phone every year !) and so the prices are not related to their actual value, but to the level of addiction of their customers.

The main issue I see with this project is that it is "only" 3G, not 4G... for a new mobile to be launched in 2014, it might be a problem.

The actual sell price (next year) might be very different of the current announced pre-sale price.
And for me, 550 ¤ (750 $) worth my freedom and my control on my data and devices.

Le 04.08.2013 09:34, Alain Knaff a écrit :
A pity only that it is so expensive... That's almost double than the
Nokia N900 when it was new :-(

On 2013-08-01 14:22, Thierry Coutelier wrote:
For those who always wanted a real Linux phone.
Ubuntu is trying to do it by a public funding: 

Spread the word ...

Thierry Coutelier
Président LiLux asbl
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