De même que celle-ci:
Just a small reminder...

M$t didn't invented the PC. It's IBM's creation.
M$t didn't created MS-Dos. They stole it from IBM.
M$t didn't invented the Internet. It's a DOD's project.
M$t didn't invented the web. Its CERN that created HTML.
M$t didn't invented the graphical interface. It existed already on Unix and other OS.
M$t didn't invented the mouse. It's a military creation used first by Xerox on civilian computers.
M$t didn't invented the word processing software. Wordpress, as example, pre-existed M$t Word.
M$t didn't invented the e-mail. It's coming out of Unix and has been standardised by IETF.
M$t didn't invented Internet Explorer. They stole it from Spyglass Inc.
M$t didn't invented Java. It's a Sun Microsystems's creation. They just released an illegal version of it ("Ms-Java") and were condemned by US courts because of that. They have been forced by law to withdrawn it.
M$t didn't invented the BASIC programming language. It's General Electrics.
M$t didn't invented the DLL (Dynamic Link Library). It's just the renaming of a mechanism well known on pre-existing OS, such as Unix.
M$t didn't invented the Domain Name System, the system that makes Internet addresses understandable (such as ""). It's Sun Microsystems's creation.

and so on...

But Microsoft created the "reset" button on PCs: because their OS are so unstable, there is a physical button or a way to "reset" PCs, that such a feature is mandatory, if you choose one of their buggy OS.

But Microsoft prevented the USB to come to live: USB was specified before Windows 95 was released. But as the inventor of USB didn't grant a gratis, unlimited licence to M$t to support it, then it wasn't part of W95. Neither W98. Then the actual inventor of USB surrendered and gave free licence to M$t to use it. So we enjoy USB on PCs with a delay of about 10 years. Thanks M$t !

But Microsoft created OS that were not actually OS: by making some software loaders (such as Ms-DOS, W95, W98, W98OSr2, W-Millennium, WCE, ...) that do not support actually true separation between processes, resources, memory, ... they made possible, and even EASY, to write "computer viruses". Well, actually, it should be called "Microsoft-enabed software viruses", because such mechanisms are just impossible on a genuine OS.

Then, later, with the help of IBM (who are computer professionals), they released their first real OS: Windows 3.5 and 3.51. But for "backwards compatibility reasons", they maintained actually the compatibility of those OS with the virus propagation mechanism... At that time, proper OS, such as AIX, Unix system V, Solaris, HP-UX, OS/2, ... were virus-proof since long time...

M$t didn't bring anything, I really means ANYTHING to the computer world, but bugs, design mistakes, standards violations, incompatibilities, frustrations, customer abuse, fake claims, waste of time and money.

They lost the case, as 90+% of the world's processors are running on Unix variants, including BSD and Linux, but they still abuse the low-end users, that still think "Windows run on 98% of the computers", so that it should be good, or at least the only choice.

There is indeed no choice any more. Just run the Linux flavour that best fits your needs.
Brent Frère

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