Eric Dondelinger wrote:
Hi Mike,

On Wed, Dec 14, 2005 at 04:49:37PM +0100, Mike G. wrote:
I hope no-one is bothered by a post that isn't particularly about Linux.

We're open to a lot of things other than Linux - it's not even limited
to Free Software but other creations with similar mindset (creative
Furthermore, we do have some experience with networking, so you're in
the right place ;-)

It's about my experience choosing high-speed internet access in  
Luxembourg and ends with a request for info about Alternet/Tiscali.

A while back, Brent Frere told us about his experience with Alternet,
which was definitely positive - both comparatively cheap and good
service, IIRC.
Things changed, and as I'm still not shareholder of Alternet, and still adviser in telecom matters in Luxembourg, I have to post an update about this here.
Alternet was really fast and reliable, especially for connections to the Luxembourg, because it was connected to the DataCenter Luxembourg backbone. Now, Alternet is delivering connectivity through the Tiscali (Belgium) network, so most of the traffic to Luxembourg goes through Brussels before coming back to Luxembourg. A site effect was that Alternet customers were seen by Google (fixed) or some on-line shops as in Belgium instead of Luxembourg. However, I use daily VoIP technology with a provider located in Luxembourg (VoIPGate) through an Alternet Internet access with constant perfect quality. The availability is still OK. What I appreciate in Alternet is their flat rate and the fact they are just Internet access providers: they don't try to block my SMTP or other access, they don't try to sell me options such as "Turbo Download" and they don't try to block my VoIP trafic.

For the price, they are no more the cheapiest, since Tele2 launched its ADSL Illimité from 23 € 99. But you must be aware that this offer comes with the obligation to migrate your phone line from your current phone provider to Tele2 at the same rate as EPT. So what ? would you say. The point here is that once your line is delivered by Tele2, they have the right (as it is done by Tiscali, MCI and Cegecom already) to block the operator selection prefixes (15xyz). This way, you will be blocked from some phone numbers Tele2 does not route and you will be forced to use their service instead of the phone service provider of your choice.

My current selection is (partially for historical reasons and local availability reasons)
* EPT phone line (maybe no more for a long time, I hope)
* Preselection to CrossComm with a forfait "FreeCall" of 3 € for all fixe communications to Luxembourg.
* ADSL through Alternet 1 Mb/s flat rate for 30 € TTC a month.
* A ATA phone adapter, that routes my POTS phone network, including an analog DECT system, to either
    - EPT if it is an emergency of free phone number (112, 113, 800, ...)
    - CrossComm if it is a fixe national call
    - Tele2 by 15777 prefix if it is a call to Tango mobile network
    - VoIPGate through Alternet in other cases (international and mobile calls)

But things changes and you may consider the CrossComm offer:
- Phone line from EPT (so you keep access to +3270... and other numbers
- Pack ICE from CrossComm (22.99 € for flat rate ADSL Internet access + low rates on phone calls)
- FreeCall forfait from the same CrossComm, so free calls to fixe national network for 3 € a month.
- A VoIPGate account for international, mobile calls through KPhone or an ATA phone adapter, or a VoIP phone.

I have no experience with quality or availability of CrossComm Internet services, but their phone service has always been quite acceptable.
This is Luxembourg - we're quite happy not to be limited to a single
provider charging 3x usual european rates any more.
There is still a monopoly (do you know monopolies are illegal in E.U. since years ?) and all ADSL ISPs are still reselling EPT accesses (but locally for some of them, such as Alternet).
Brent Frère

Private e-mail:

Postal address: 5, rue de Mamer
                L-8280 Kehlen
                Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
                European Union

Mobile: +352-021/29.05.98
Fax:    +352-
Home:   +352-307.341

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