
As Thierry already stated in his description, we wanted to do something "different" than an ex-cathedra presentation. Our previous experience shows that people show very poor interest in theoretical presentation (e.g.: conference about traffic security by an IEE engeneer: 4 (four) people; conference about drug-abuse for parents of kids before first year of lycee: 8-10 people!)

For this reason, we wanted to create an event where people can actively participate and learn how to behave adequately, guided by expert instructors.
As discussed in the last Lilux board meeting, the practical part should be completed with a more theoretical part, as available by BeeSecure, CASES etc.

We should discuss details asap. We (APE Contern) have scheduled a board meeting on the same date Alain has suggested for postponing the preparing meeting at the Hackerspace. I'd liked to have participated. I will try to be there anyway (I have another meeting at 1900, so I'll be a bit late ...), hopefully we can then discuss the BeeSecure/Cases topics as well. If necessary, I can also call the APE board if any question arises.

Hope to see you there.

JJ Mouris

On 02/05/12 17:49, Pascal Steichen wrote:
Hi Thierry,

Getting back to you related to this event you want to organise with the  APE Contern. As it shall be a "security" event it would be nice to cooperate with the public entities dealing with these aspects, namely BEE SECURE and/or CASES (depending on the target audience). We (BEE SECURE, CASES...) have ready presentations for "parents", "teachers", "schools", etc. (doing 30-40 these kind of events per year).

Best would be to meet with Jean-Jacques Mouris or a representative of the APE Contern and discuss the details.

Kind regards,
Pascal Steichen

On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 4:25 PM, Thierry Coutelier <Thierry.Coutelier@linux.lu> wrote:

With the APE Contern we would like to organize a security event in the
spring 2012
The idea is to actually show security treats encountered every day and
not only have a presenter talk about security.
We could demonstrate phishing, WiFi spying on public places....
This is not a Linux presentation and most of the people coming will be
Windows user.
The advantage of having LiLux co-organize the event is that we can
promote free software only by our presence and maybe by distributing
some flyers.

Who could help with ideas, and presence on the event?

Our next meeting is scheduled for the 24th of November. More details
will come later.

Best regards.

Thierry Coutelier
Président LiLux asbl
Secrétaire adjoint Harmonie Moutfort-Medingen
7, Rue des Prés
L-5316 Contern
Tel: +352 406776 GSM: +352 621350037

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