I don't want any reply to this. It is pure information. I'm not shareholder of any involved parties and I dont give here advice on the best technology to get connected to the Internet. This information has been checked. If you don't believe it, please just delete the e-mail. This e-mail is not related to any previous thread.

Alternet has modified its offer. The rate for a ADSL flat rate connection, requiring an existing phone line (either POTS or ISDN) is now

33 €/month
including V.A.T. for an unlimited 1 Mb/s ADSL Internet access. Uplink is 128 Kb/s.

This means the ADSL service AND the Internet access.

I know EPT is about to upgrade its 256 Kb/s service, I know other providers are also giving promotions on such services, I know some like other techiques and some do not require flat rates, but I THINK this is still the best ADSL flat rate Internet access offer in Luxembourg.

Availability is everywhere EPT can deliver DSL services, as Alternet provides services on EPT network where their own equipment is not yet available at the same price.

For more information, please consult Alternet web site (http://www.alternet.lu) but please note that this web site is ofthen out of date, so the information I give you here is more accurate than their web site. For up-to-date information, I would suggest you to directy call them.

My experience as private and professional user with their service is good.
Brent Frère

Private e-mail:  Brent@BFrere.net

Postal address: 5, rue de Mamer
                L-8280 Kehlen
                Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
                European Union

Mobile: +352-021/29.05.98
Fax:    +352-
Home:   +352-307.341
URL:    http://BFrere.net 

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