I use Openoffice 1.1.1 and have trouble printing to envelopes. (on a
with hpijs 1.6.1 and hpoj 0.91 on SuSE 9.1)
The printer always forwards the envelope too far, so it cannot print on
It's something like the paper size is too big. If I change it to C6 in the
printer settings in OO, the problem is still there.
Is that a bug in OO 1.1.1 or do I make something wrong?
I could imagine OO procuding the correct page size, but some further level processing (Cups, GhostScript...) does the postscript conversion and has A4 as default paper size... This might be a possibility. I would suggest to follow carefully the entire string up to the actual printer to see where the page size becomes wrong. For this, you should "print to a file" at various levels and open the file using the appropriate tool to check the result.

Brent Frère

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