Indeed there is a possibility to select prefered languages in a web browser. However the problem here is not this one.
Google proposes also to set a cookie that contains your preferences (click on preferencies on the main page).

The real problem here is indeed related to routing. By using a belgian-issued range of IP addresses (and this be routed through Belgium), the customers appears as being in Belgium as reported by it's source IP address. Thus, Google proposes by default dutch as language, even if french is spoken in two third of the country and that german is also an official language in Belgium.

Pascal Steichen a écrit :
On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 10:39:20PM +0200, Patrick LEMMERS wrote:

My primary concerns are 
1) quality of the service (unexplained down time, mail servers down, 
too many users on one shared segment...) 
Well, until last week's cock-up, I never had to complain about their
Once in a while they have short routing problems, but nothing major.
The only annoying thing is that all their traffic still goes through
Brussels ... and when I open my browser, I end up on ... in
dutch !

That as nothing to do with routing ! You should check your browser settings I think. There must be dutch as default language setted somewhere.

2) does the USB modem that they offer work with linux or would I have
to go out and get myself a nice little linksys or Cisco router?
The modem they provided me with is equiped with both USB and ethernet:
... and works like a charm.
I was already updating my machines while their technician was still in
my livingroom ... ;-)

At work, we use their service (with fixed IP) for one of our customer
and a Netscreen firewall. Works fine as well.


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Brent Frère

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