Yves Glodt wrote:

we are in the process of setting up a new web- and mailserver, and consider switching from sendmail to another mail agent...

At the risk of launching a flamewar, which one would you recommend from a security and maintainability point of view?

Best regards,

Lilux-help mailing list
We use postfix for all our customers and are satisfied. Other solutions exists for IMAP service on a system which has no login account for the users, but as it is not the case on Sendar, I would recommand Postfix.
Brent Frère

Private e-mail:  Brent@BFrere.net

Postal address: 58, rue d'Esch
                L-3720 Rumelange
                Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
                European Union

Mobile: +352-021/29.05.98
Fax:    +352-
Home:   +352-307.341
URL:    http://BFrere.net 

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